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Welcome to Family Loved Labs. We breed beautiful English Labrador puppies, perfect for any family looking to add another member. Labs are known for their pleasant attitude, demeanor, and beauty. They are athletic, calm, and loyal. We have the finest Labrador puppies for sale in Minnesota.
English Labradors are bred for their temperament, elegance, and intelligence. Labs are sporty athletic dogs; they can play for days and then snuggle up when it's time for bed. They are active yet quiet and calm. With the right owner who is dedicated to giving daily adequate walks, exercise, attention, and training, labs can make the ideal companion.
Here at Family Loved Labs, we have white labs, yellow labs, chocolate labs, black labs, and fox red lab puppies for sale. They are bright, quick to learn, and attentive. English labs are right at home in Minnesota. They are enthusiastic and playful throughout the seasons, from the long summer days to the mounds of snow. Their beautiful coats and hearty build make them versatile, giving them a wide range of comfortable temperature ranges.
Labradors are often chosen to be trained as therapy dogs. Their temperament and joyful attitudes truly are therapeutic for anyone. They are great working dogs. Besides therapy dogs, our English labs have been trained for service dogs, scent detection dogs, and hunting labs. Their keen sense of smell and attentiveness making them easy to train make them the perfect dog on the job.
The first days and weeks in the world are very important for English lab puppies. We introduce our puppies to socialization scenarios and sounds, and handle them frequently to properly prepare them for interactions with humans, other dogs, and other types of animals for the rest of their lives.
We are confident you will be pleased with your English Labrador family member. We are so passionate about our dogs that we dedicate our lives to breeding English labs for other families to enjoy for years. Our labs are an intricate part of our family, and they will be a part of yours for years to come. Share many years of love, happiness, and companionship.


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