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Labrador Training Commands: 5 Basic Commands Your Lab Puppy Should Know

There are five basic commands every dog should know, including your Labrador puppy. They are essential Labrador puppy training commands that will not only will they help shape your Lab’s behavior, they will also help keep your puppy safe.
Labrador Training Commands - 5 Basic Commands Your Lab Puppy Should KnowLabrador Training Commands - 5 Basic Commands Your Lab Puppy Should Know

1. “Sit” leads to a well-mannered Labrador

The “sit” command is an important aspect of teaching your Labrador puppy good manners. It also teaches your dog to be patient and to wait for a cue before proceeding with whatever it is they’re doing. Lastly, the “sit” command is beneficial in Labrador training because it helps get your puppy’s attention and redirect their focus when training sessions drift in the wrong direction.

2. “Stay” is for your Lab puppy’s safety

“Stay” is one of the commands that can help keep your Labrador puppy safe. Contrary to popular belief, the command isn’t that difficult to teach because dogs have a natural instinct to stay still when they’re in a dangerous situation. At first it may be difficult to teach your puppy to stay, but with time and practice he or she will learn that it’s for their own good and will obey.

3. “Down” combines with “Stay”

“Down” is also a helpful command when it comes to your Labrador’s safety. The command can be used in combination with “stay” if you need your dog to stop what he or she is doing immediately. In a way, it gives you more control over your puppy’s behavior.

4. “Come” is the first command

“Come” should be one of the first commands that you teach your Lab puppy. It is especially useful in the puppy stages, when your dog is more likely to wander off or get into mischief. Calling out his or her name followed by the command will allow you to locate your puppy quickly or take immediate action if he or she does not respond.

5. “Heel” builds a relationship with your Lab puppy

“Heel” is the hardest of the basic commands to teach, but it’s essential for maintaining a good relationship with your Labrador Retriever puppy. This is because once the command is taught, your walks and on other public outings with your dog will be more enjoyable. If your Labrador becomes distracted, overly excited, or starts to pull, all you have to do is remind him or her to heel.
Other basic commands to consider adding to your training list include; “retrieve”, “leave it”, “stand”, “roll over”, “jump”, and “wait”.
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion. – Unknown "


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