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Foster a Puppy

While our puppies are in training they need a loving home to look after them until they are ready to go to their new owner

This is an image of a labrador type puppy wearign a yellow vest which says 'puppy in trainng'.
ADNI puppy in training.
It can be hard work looking after a puppy, but extremely rewarding. You will watch your puppy grow and learn, and develop into a fully accredited Assistance Dog. It may be hard to give up your puppy when he’s ready to start work, but you are giving an amazing gift to a person with disabilities and your generosity will change that individual’s life.

Before you express an interest to join our foster programme consider the following:

Can someone be at home most of the day?

Do you have access to transport?
Can you provide the puppy with a secure and enclosed outdoor play area?
Can you provide the puppy with a secure indoor area and a quiet area?
Is your home currently free of other dogs?
Can you walk the puppy 3 to 4 times a day?
If you’ve answered yes to all of the above and are interested in registering, please download out programme guidelines. They give a detailed list of guidelines, as well as the registration form.

It does take a lot of work to raise a puppy, but it is one of the most rewarding things you can do for another person.


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