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13 Reasons Why A Labrador Retriever Shouldn't Be Trusted

labrador retriever
They look so sweet, fluffy and happy all the time. It’s easy to see why they’re one of the most popular dogs breeds. As cute as you may think they are, the Labrador Retriever hides some shocking truths.
The following 19 Labrador Retriever dogs have definitely blown their breed cover. Once you see these, you won’t be convinced they’re the innocent, goofy, slobbery, loveable pups we think they are.
Today, we reveal the Labrador Retriever’s true colors. You have been warned.

13 reasons why a Labrador Retriever shouldn’t be trusted

1. Or is discreetly trying to get rid of the cat.

labrador retriever

2. Some days, all you can see is their demon side.

labrador retriever

3. You really can’t trust a Lab around anything.

labrador retriever

4. Chances are, your Lab’s being rude to you when you’re not looking

labrador retriever

5. No matter how nicely you ask, you can’t trust them to help you with housekeeping.

labrador retriever

6. They might help you redecorate the house though!

labrador retriever

7. You should definitely be wary of a Lab’s potential to run off when you need them the most.

labrador retriever

8. They make vicious guards dogs…

labrador retriever

9. And they’re totally into making you feel worse when you’re on a diet.

labrador retriever

10. They’re also known for throwing wild parties when their owners are away. Ever wondered why they sleep so much when you’re home?

labrador retriever

11. A true Labrador Retriever won’t hold back on farting on the couch. Ever.

labrador retriever

12. And that they have no remorse stealing food (even if it means starving their family to death!)

labrador retriever

13. Oh, who are we kidding? Sure, they can be a bit cheeky, but Labrador Retrievers save lives!

labrador retriever
Are you a Labrador Retriever lover? Or are you team Golden? Let us know in the comments!
If you can’t get enough of dogs being funny, check out these hilarious pups – they will definitely brighten up your day!


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